I offer both long and short term groups for adult women who are striving to improve the quality of their relationships.  The groups provide a safe and nonjudgmental place to heighten self-awareness and to improve one’s ability to connect deeply and genuinely with oneself and other people.  All groups meet 90 minutes per week.  The cost to participate is $60 per session.  

Short-Term Groups:

Once or twice a year I start a time-limited group based on a personal growth book.  These groups typically run 16 to 24 weeks and are psycho-educational with some process. Examples of books frequently utilized are Changes That Heal by Dr. Henry Cloud, Boundaries by Drs. Henry Cloud and John Townsend, and I Thought It was Just Me (but it isn't) by Dr. Brené Brown.  Participants’ common desire is for relationships to be more satisfying and life-giving rather than leaving them feeling exhausted, guilty, anxious, inadequate, alone, used, or trapped.  Please contact me to learn more about these groups.  I screen for upcoming groups on an ongoing basis and each group is closed to enrollment once meetings begin. 

Long-Term Group: 


I also facilitate an ongoing process group that meets from 7-8:30 pm on Mondays.  This group explores personal, relational and spiritual issues in a compassionate, confidentiality, and open setting.  This group is intermittently open to new members.  Prior individual or recovery work is recommended.  Please contact me if you are interested in joining.   

What is Process?

Rather than focusing on the explicit words being used or topics being discussed, process concentrates on the internal experience of each group member and how one engages with and responds to other members and the group as a whole.  In other words, emphasis is on the “how” and “why” of an utterance or behavior instead of “what” was said.  The purpose of process is to heighten self-awareness about what is happening inter-personally in the present, recognize how behavior impacts one’s view of self and influences others, evaluate how satisfied one is with the world one’s created, and explore alternative ways of interacting.